Parent as Coach

E-Course for Sport Parents

The Parent as Coach Program for sport parents who are keen to help their young athlete achieve their athletic and life goals, while raising them to be happy and resilient!

Through this program, you will be able to tap on my experience as the former Assistant Director for Coaching Development at SportSG, and internationally qualified coach Developer, to acquire the skills and processes used by professional coaches.

Besides, having served as a PE teacher and worked with youth athletes for the past two decades, I am familiar with your teenager’s idiosyncrasies and what makes them tick!

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

1. Understand the purpose of Youth Sports and define the role of the Sport Parent
2. Understand how coaching behaviors can impact an athlete’s Mindset and Resilience
3. Recognize the difference between Teaching and Coaching
4. Apply coaching approaches to help young athletes cope with the pressures of competitive sport, and to pursue a path of continuous learning

Do note that this program was developed to help you better support your young athlete, and NOT to take over the role of the sports coach.
Remember, success without happiness is not success!

The Sport as Parent program will help you raise young athletes who find success and happiness in their sport as well as in school and life.

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Lesson #1

    • The Role of Winning in Youth Sports

    • Quiz- The Role of Winning in Youth Sports

    • Reflection- The Role of Winning in Youth Sports

  • 3

    Lesson #2

    • Understanding Mindset

    • Quiz- Understanding Mindset

    • Fixed and Growth Mindset Illustration

  • 4

    Lesson #3

    • Teaching vs Coaching

    • Quiz- Teaching vs Coaching

  • 5

    Lesson #4

    • Parent as Coach

    • Growth Mindset Feedback Frame

    • The ABCs of Coaching with the Growth Mindset

    • Quiz- Parent as Coach

  • 6

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Reflection- Parent as Coach

    • Summary Sheet

Additional Information

  • Level

    Level 1: Introductory

  • Duration

    1.5 to 2 hours

  • Bonus material

    1. Lesson Summary

    2. Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Illustration

    3. Growth Mindset Sample Feedback Frames

    4. The ABCs of Coaching with the Growth Mindset

    5. Reflection Guides