Course curriculum

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    • Learn the skill of Confidence

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    Lesson 1: How do you gain or lose confidence?

    • Lesson Objectives

    • Activity 1

    • Developing Awareness

    • Activity 2

    • Confidence Checklist 1

    • Reflection 1

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    Lesson 2: Talk yourself into more confidence

    • Lesson Objectives

    • What's your self-talk?

    • Activity 3

    • Confidence in Action 1

    • Activity 4

    • Confidence in Action 2

    • Confidence Checklist 2

    • Reflection 2

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    Lesson 3: Boosting your confidence with a Confidence Resume

    • Lesson Objectives

    • Confidence Resume

    • Activity 5

    • Confidence in Action 3

    • Confidence Checklist 3

    • Reflection 3

    • Other tips to boost your confidence

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    Lesson 4 Game Day Confidence

    • Pre-Game Mental Preparation