Proactive Confidence for Golf

E-Course for Golfers

The best golfers do not leave their confidence to chance. They do not rely on immediate results such as making the first birdie to feel confident. Instead, they understand how to develop confidence daily and take responsibility for improving their own confidence.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Proactive Confidence for Golf

  • 2

    1. What is Confidence?

    • What is Confidence?

    • 1. How do you Gain Confidence?

    • Activity 1

    • Activity 2

  • 3

    2. Talk Yourself into More Confidence

    • 2. Talk Yourself into More Confidence

    • Activity 3

    • Self-Talk

    • Activity 4

  • 4

    3. Boosting your Confidence with a Confidence Résumé

    • 3. Boosting your Confidence with a Confidence Résumé

    • Activity 5: My Confidence Résumé

    • Confidence Résumé with Aloysa

    • Guidelines for your Confidence Résumé

  • 5

    4. Game Day Confidence

    • 4. Game Day Confidence

    • Activity 6 This isn’t Just about Sport, its Life…

  • 6


    • Summary

    • Download the Workbook

Additional Information

  • Level

    Level 2: Intermediate

  • Duration

    3 hrs

  • Bonus Material

    The Proactive Confidence for Golf Workbook which consists of guided activities to help you develop and design your own very own Confidence Resume.